We are dedicated to providing expertise and support with meeting speech and occupational therapy needs.
We offer collaboration with experts across all professionals and settings.
Click on each area of treatment below to learn more about our full breadth of services.
Our speech language pathologists are well versed across all areas of development and evaluate receptive and expressive language, social pragmatic language needs, phonological development, reading skills, and challenges with feeding and swallowing.
Our speech language pathologists are well versed across all areas of development and can evaluate receptive and expressive language, social pragmatic language needs, phonological development, reading skills, and challenges with feeding and swallowing.
Challenges addressed in therapy include:
Difficulty paying attention in class
Difficulty carrying out daily activities such as getting dressed
Avoidance of playground activities
Frequent tumbles and falls
Difficulty engaging at birthday parties or play dates
Needing to be constantly on the move
Heavy handed with toys and peers
Poor sleep patterns
Sensitive to clothing or becoming upset at bath time
Easily frustrated with new activities
Speech Therapy
Our speech therapists provide treatment related to:
Speech Disorders Including Articulation, Voice, and Fluency
Expressive, Receptive and Pragmatic Language Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities
Learning Disabilities
Developmental Delays
Cerebral Palsy
Congenital and Chromosomal Anomalies
Oral Motor Deficits including Repaired Cleft Lip/Palate
Executive Functioning Difficulties
Feeding and Swallowing Problems
Occupational Therapy
Our occupational therapy services treat a variety of pediatric diagnosis including:
Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Learning disabilities
Attention deficit disorder
Fine and gross motor coordination disorders
Developmental Delays
Other psychological and neurological conditions
Family Support
Community based supports for parents and family members:
Parent consultation
Educational observations
Parent educational advocacy for IEP meetings
Consultation with educational/therapeutic professionals